Sighat Ta'lik Bahasa Inggris
“ In the name of Allah, the Rohman, the Rohim “
وَأَوْفُواْ بِالْعَهْدِ إِنَّ الْعَهْدَ كَانَ مَسْؤُولاً
“And Fully the promise, verily the promise shall be questioned about“
( QS Al-Isra : 34 )
After marriage agreement, I am .......................................... son of Mr. .............................................. I here with promise thruthfully that I will fulfill my obligation as a husband, and I will associate my wife named ................................................... daughter of Mr. ..................................................... kindly ( mu’asyarah bil ma’rufi ) according to the teaching of Islamic religion.
Furthermore, I read this sighat taklik for my wife mentioned as
follows :
Any time :
1. I leave my wife two years continuously ;
2. Or I do not give compulsory basic necessities of life three months long ;
3. Or I hurt my wife’s body / physic ;
4. Or I neglect / I do not care my wife for six months long.
Then my wife is not willing and my wife complains about her matter to the Religius Court and her complains is accepted by the court, and my wife pays money in the amount of Rp. 10.000,- ( ten
thousand rupiahs) as 'iwadh ( substitute) to me, then falls my once divorce to her.
To the court mentioned I outhorize to receive the substitute money and then to hand over it for the need of sociad devation.
Jakarta, ..................................
Posted by azay
on 00.04. Filed under
panduan kepenghuluan,
panduan menikahkan,
panduan penghulu
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